Tuesday, January 5, 2010

DJ's 7th monthsary b-day!

Its my son’s 7th monthsary birthday today! I almost forgot until my friend yuki asked me how old he is…He’s all grown up now and cant wait for his first birthday. Im very proud of myself raising a cute baby boy like him. I never knew im gonna make it this far. I never even liked a child so far but him. I never even carry a baby before but he was the first. I dont brag but raising a cute baby boy is just so special to me cause he is a heaven sent.

We never even knew as couples that I was pregnant right before and after we got married. So, its a blessing in disguise as what they say. We were so afraid that we almost gave up our hopes on having a baby. He is everything to us. We love you my son and thank you for coming into our lives.

My baby's first tooth

This is my ever cutest baby boy, who had just his first tooth. Come to think of it, we never know until the tooth actually appears. It just come out and my baby didnt even experienced any dreadful pain, coughs,or any symptoms a baby experienced. I think that he can tolerate the pain he is in right now…:) Im so proud of him and even much happier because he is a strong baby boy.

Chit chat

Wife: Be home early okay bhe?
Husband: Yes bhe, I will. I love you too, babye!

--This is our everyday goodbyes--

Father and son

"A father is a banker provided by nature"